RNA-Seq Workshop - Library Preparation and Introduction to Data Analysis - May 10th to 12th
May 10, 2016, 9 a.m. - May 12, 2016, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Please see this page for the full information and the registration:
RNA-seq has revolutionized the way we address complex biological questions, allowing for differential gene expression, differential transcript analysis, as well as transcriptome assemblies. As sequencing output rapidly increases and sample numbers increase, library preparation becomes one of the major bottlenecks. This workshop provides comprehensive hands-on training in the preparation of high quality RNA-Seq libraries for the Illumina platform. Participants will generate two types of RNA-seq libraries: one using poly-A enrichment and one using ribo-depletion. The former protocol is preferred for high quality eukaryotic RNA samples. The latter is required for bacterial RNA-seq and fragmented RNA samples. Lectures will cover the entire workflow including sample QC/QA, as well as the basic principles of Illumina technology and considerations for experimental design meeting current publication standards. Approximately 6 hours will be spent on data analysis, presented by the Bioinformatics Core, and will include an introduction-to/demo-of RNA-seq data QA/QC, preprocessing, read mapping, gene counting as well as a hands-on-exercise on Differential Expression Analysis in R with previously computed gene counts tables.
The registration fees are:
$400.00 - UC Rate
; $500.00 - Academic/Non Profit, $600.00 - Industry/For Profit