Additional (2nd) DNA Re-Sequencing Workshop on July 25th: Library Prep and Data Analysis

2nd Illumina Hands-On DNA Re-Sequencing Workshop on July 25th Since the July 24th workshop was fully booked immediately, we are offering an additional workshop  on the following day.  Please join us for a hands-on workshop on DNA sequencing library preparation and data analysis using the Nextera DNA Flex library prep kit (focusing on re-sequencing). The workshop on July 25th (9am to 5pm) at the UC Davis Genome Center (rooms #2202 and #1402) is taught by your local team of Illumina scientists.  You will get hands-on experience on an end-to-end DNA re-sequencing workflow using the Nextera DNA Flex library preparation kit on your own samples (limited 2 DNA samples per participant*). Your Illumina scientists will also provide presentations, live demos of data analysis, and a follow-up session after the workshop on the analysis of the data generated during the workshop. The participation is free, but registration is required. Please see the attachment and register here: Features • Library Preparation & Amplification; Best Practices • Sequencing at the DNA Tech Core • Experimental Design for DNA Re-Sequencing Projects • Data Analysis in BaseSpace Sequence Hub * If you want to work with your own samples, you will need to provide the DNA Technologies Core with a maximum of 2 DNA samples with QC data by July 17th, 2018.  The DNA samples must be quantified by Qubit and quality assessed by Bioanalyzer, Fragment Analyzer, or gel (no fragmentation).  The DNA Tech Core can QC the samples if necessary.  We can also provide you a test sample for the workshop.

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