Several pieces of equipment overseen by the DNA Technologies and Expression Analysis Core Facilities are available for use by members of the research community. In order to maintain the longevity and proper functioning of this equipment, and to ensure everyone has equal and appropriate access, several guidelines have been developed. Please read the information below to help us maintain these resources for everyone in a cost effective manner. It's also important to remember that we are a service core and our goal is to facilitate your research, so please don't ever be reluctant to ask questions about what you see on this page or anything relating to your use of the DNA Technologies and Expression Analysis Cores.
All researchers using facility equipment must be trained as a
fee for service. Training is only valid if done by Core personnel; lab members can't train each other. This will help us monitor machine use and ensure that everyone has the same knowledge base. Training can take place any time, just make an appointment with Core personnel. Training is one-on-one with a Core member and a training fee will be applied per person - once trained you can use the instrument for life. Extra people from the same lab can be trained anytime, but a per person training fee will be applied.
To arrange a training and book instruments: all equipment reservations and training requests for the DNA Technologies Core ‘Shared Instruments’ will be made through our new reservations system –
Machine Use
Facility equipment is available during normal working hours. Access to the GBSF and the Core lab is restricted after hours, and we do not allow use of the equipment when no facility personnel are available to deal with mishaps or malfunctions.
Computers that operate common equipment are not internet accessible and are internally protected by a Genome Center firewall. In order to prevent the introduction of viruses or related problems, no flash drives/memory sticks can be used to transfer data. We transfer your data onto our web-accessible server and show you how to recover it back in your lab.
The web site describing each piece of equipment has a link to an on-line calendar used to reserve time on the instrument. Please use these calendars religiously. It will help you and other users to schedule time slots, and it is our record for billing purposes. Be sure to put your full name in the subject box and your phone number and lab PI in the description box. To make any changes to your listing you will need to contact Core personnel. As a courtesy please try to make reasonable estimates for your use of time on these machines - in general we allow sign ups of up to one hour for each per use fee.
The web site describing the equipment also may have links to manuals, the manufacturer's web site, or informational documents we have put together. Please make an effort to familiarize yourself with these materials.
Finally, remember that if you are good to your equipment, it will be good to you.
Our Responsibility
Equipment should be clean, and in good working order. Control samples should behave appropriately. Accessory items for equipment use should be available, and a manual should be nearby or accessible. Please let us know if you feel these conditions haven't been met. Often our only knowledge about whether something is working or not will come from you.
Equipment Available Through Our Core And Terms Of Use
Agilent Bioanalyzer One time Training Fee (per person) + Instrument Use Fee (per 1 hour use)
Nanodrop No charge + no calendar signup – Nanodrop available on a first come, first served basis
Qubit Fluorometer No charge + no calendar signup – Qubit available on a first come, first served basis; contact staff if tubes or reagents are needed consumables are
not free
Caliper LabChip GX One time Training Fee (per person) + Instrument Use Fee (per 1 hour use)
Covaris E220 One time Training Fee (per person) + Instrument Use Fee (per 1 hour use)
Diagenode Bioruptor & Bioruptor NGS One time Training Fee (per person) + Instrument Use Fee (per 1 hour use)
Sage BluePippin & PippinHT One time Training Fee (per person) + Instrument Use Fee (per 1 hour use)
Caliper Sciclone G3 Annual Fee + Instrument Use Fee