Booking Shared Instruments and Instrument Training -- Equipment Calendar via PPMS

Our lab is currently conducting clinical COVID testing. Thus, the shared instruments are not accessible to customers. We can run the processing for you.


The Stratocore PPMS system is used to book and reserve the following shared instruments for customer use: Bioanalyzer, Covaris sonicator, BluePippin, PippinHT, Plate Reader, Fluidigm Access Array, and Sciclone NGS liquid handling robot. The Nanodrop, Qubit, and the Axon microarray scanner do not require reservations. The instruments are available weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm.

Data that you have generated with our shared instruments (Bioanalyzer, Filtermax plate reader) can now be downloaded (no login required) from BioShare here:


The PPMS system is also used to order services (Core personnel only), in addition to booking instruments, and submitting ‘Shared Instruments’ training requests. The same system will be implemented in the near future by many other Core labs on campus. Only customers have the privileges to enter financial/billing account data into PPMS. Please make sure that the correct financial account is entered before any booking or submission.

To begin using PPMS:

  1. Ask your Principal Investigator to set up an account and group with PPMS here. The group name has to be the name of the PI; the account manager contact information is required and a default financial account for the group should be entered; each user can add their account to the group.
  2. Then submit your personal account request.
  3. Wait to receive account confirmation e-mail.
  4. Notify the Core that your account has been created and let us know for which instruments you were trained previously.

The core will then grant you user rights on the appropriate systems (instrument calendars) and you can begin making reservations in PPMS. It is recommended that you submit your account request as soon as possible.
Link to PPMS:

Link to PPMS FAQ:

PPMS tutorials: A PPMS account setup FAQ with tutorials is available here. The page has three tutorials specific to user groups: one for UC Davis users, one for users from other UCs, and one for non-UC users. The latter is the appropriate tutorial for non-UC academic users, non-profit organization users, as well as industry customers. The account setup procedure will not affect the rates.

A general PPMS user help guide is available on the start page. If you encounter any technical issues or have questions about PPMS, e-mail