
Introducing a New Generation of Sequencers – #2 The AVITI

The DNA Tech Core recently implemented a new short-read sequencing technology. The AVITI sequencer from Element Biosciences provides medium-scale sequencing at higher quality and significantly lower costs compared to Illumina sequencers. While the sequencing chemistry is very different, the instrument is compatible with Illumina libraries and files

Pacbio REVIO Launch Party on March 12th

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Please join us for the UC Davis Revio Launch Party on Wednesday, April 12th.  Expect great talks on genome assemblies and pan genomes - and of course an introduction to the new high-throughput sequencer.

Holiday Schedule

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  Dear DNA Tech Core clients, the last day before the holidays on which we can receive sequencing samples will be Friday, December 18th.  The lab will be mostly performing COVID testing between the holidays.  We will open again for sequencing on January 4th. We Wish Everybody Safe and Happy Holidays!

DNA Technologies Core has to ramp down lab work

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Dear DNA Technologies Core users,

Following yesterday's Shelter-In-Place orders, the  DNA Technologies Core has to now ramp down all non-essential lab work.  For safety and legal reasons, we have to reduce the staff present in the lab to the minimum, effectively suspending the lab operation of the DNA Tech Core until April 7th. Projects currently on the sequencers will be finalized and data distributed.

10x Genomics & GC Cores Single-Cell Pilot Study Program

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We are pleased to announce the 10x Genomics and UC Davis DNA Technologies & Bioinformatics Cores' joint grant program is accepting applications from UC Davis Researchers now!

This Single-Cell Pilot Study Program award covers library preparation and bioinformatics support for a 4 sample pilot project using one of these single-cell sequencing applications from 10x Genomics: