DNA Technologies Core has to ramp down lab work
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Dear DNA Technologies Core users,
Following yesterday's Shelter-In-Place orders, the DNA Technologies Core has to now ramp down all non-essential lab work. For safety and legal reasons, we have to reduce the staff present in the lab to the minimum, effectively suspending the lab operation of the DNA Tech Core until April 7th. Projects currently on the sequencers will be finalized and data distributed.
We are very sorry for any delays this will cause to your research.
The guidance from the university to ramp down lab activities allows an exception for very narrowly defined critical work. The county order, however, is very strict. Our staff members will assist you with any questions by email.
Consultations will be held online via Zoom.
We will update the top of the lab homepage immediately with any news. Please check https://dnatech.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu/ in case of questions.
- Please DO NOT drop-off any new samples after today (today is the last opportunity).
- We do NOT know if we can continue to receive shipments.
- We do NOT recommend shipping any samples to us.
- We WILL have minimal staff present in the lab to receive and store and shipments safely. As of today the university is still receiving shipments.
- The lab doors are locked and the shared equipment will not be accessible until further notice.
- Today, March 19th will be the last day that we will receive samples in the drop-off box. We have set up a cooled drop-off box in front of the lab door. Please deposit samples there, as well as the submission forms, and give us a call.
- We can't accept any new 10X Genomics single-cell projects. Please contact Diana for already ongoing projects.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Best regards,
Lutz Froenicke