UC Rate -- UC Davis and other UC campuses

The Genome Center Cores provide services at three recharge rate scales. The University of California rate scale (UC rates; this page) applies to projects paid from UC-system accounts. Non-Profit/Academic Rates apply to all other academic & non-profit research, including government projects. The Industry Rates apply to projects paid by for-profit businesses or institutions. No taxes will apply to these rates. 
All Illumina sequencing runs include sequencing of up to two index reads up to 8bp in length and demultiplexing. Please contact dnatech@ucdavis.edu.
If you want to sequence infrequently used run-types (e.g. NovaSeq S1 or Sp500) it would be best to sequence on both lanes of the flowcell to avoid long turnaround times due to problems finding a partner for your samples; please inquire. 
CPF: Clusters passing filter. Each cluster generates one forward and, for paired-end sequencing only, one reverse read. The yield metrics apply to standard balanced libraries like RNA-seq or genomic libraries.

Please note new prices as of July 2022 (and May 2024 updates in orange )