We are a Campus Research Core Facility!

The UC Davis DNA Technologies and Expression Analysis Cores have been designated a Campus Research Core Facility From the official announcement: " .... This designation provides a strategic platform to ensure state-of-the-art research capabilities provided in a cost-efficient manner. The designated laboratories are expected to develop and represent best practices for core facility operation and emerge as centers of excellence for the university.   ..." Our inclusion in this program is a great honor and will enable central campus support for our activities. As part of the program an improved support structure will be developed for shared research facilities at UC Davis. Out of more than 170 UC Davis shared research facilities, 17 were selected, with "broad interdisciplinary impact" being the main criteria. Please find the complete announcement here: http://research.ucdavis.edu/about-us/news-center/news-stories/17-labs/. For more information about the research core facility program, please see http://research.ucdavis.edu/research/core-facilities-services/.    

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