New online equipment reservation system ready-to go!
We finally have a new online equipment reservation system ready-to go! The new PPMS system will also be used by other Campus Cores in the near future.
Stratocore PPMS is now used to book and reserve the folllowing shared instruments: Bioanalyzer, Covaris and Bioruptor sonicators, BuePippin, PippinHT, Plate Reader, Fluidigm Access Array, Sciclone NGS liquid handling robot. The instruments are available weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm.
The Nanodrop, the Qubit, and the Axon microarray scanner do not require reservations. As of Monday October 29th 2018, all equipment reservations and training requests for the DNA Technologies Core ‘Shared Instruments’ will be made through our new reservations system - Stratocore PPMS. Please see instructions below. To begin using PPMS:- Submit your account request
- Wait to receive account confirmation e-mail
- Notify the core that your account has been created and let us know for which instruments you were trained previously.