Following analysis of each run, users have access to parsed output through the SLIMS server. A SLIMS account will be created for you on your first run, with information about how to access your account distributed via email (you will receive this email before your actual files are available). The main SLIMS page can be reached here.
You can download all your files from SLIMS with your webbrowser (clicking the links) or better with a download manager (e.g for Firefox )
However, it is recommended to download with command line tools. E.g. by running "wget" (built-in into Unix/Linux/Mac/Cygwin operating systems, available also for Windows*) with a command like the following:
wget -r -nH -nc -np -R index.html* "" &
This command will download all files into your current working directory.
You can also archive all your data with RSYNC by following instructions at .
*The easiest way to get rsync and wget tools on Windows is by installing the free MobaXterm terminal.
Please note: We do NOT archive sequencing data generated for you. Any sequencing data should be downloaded and verified as soon as possible.
Illumina sequencing data will be available for download for three months after they are generated. Pacbio and Nanopore data will be available for two months.