We deliver sequencing data via two portals: SLIMS for Illumina data, and BioShare for PacBio and Nanopore data. Both portals offer secure access to the data and support several download protocols. The emails that will notify you about new sequencing data on SLIMS will contain download instructions.
The SLIMS download instructions are available here: https://dnatech.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu/archiving-slims-data/
In BioShare the instructions for several download protocols are integrated into the user interface - BioShare will automatically generate the download commands for you.
Since high throughput sequencing data files tend to be big, we recommend downloading the data by running rsync or wget command line tools (built-in on Linux/Mac/Cygwin). Wget can be easily added to Windows10 as part of a full-featured Linux subsystem (including bash, rsync, wget, ...) . This Linux can run in parallel with the Windows GUI. Please see instructions here: How to install WSL on Windows 10 .
The easiest way to add command line UNIX/Linux/BASH functionality (including rsync and wget) to other Windows versions is to install the free MobaXterm terminal from here: https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/
Please note: We do NOT archive sequencing data generated for you. Any sequencing data should be downloaded and verified as soon as possible.
Illumina sequencing data will be available for download for three months after they are generated. Pacbio and Nanopore data will be available for two months.