How do I acknowledge your services?

Please support us by acknowledging our services in your publications. We have received NIH funding for the purchase of some of our instruments and this support should be mentioned. Please add a sentence like this to your acknowledgments: “The sequencing was carried out at the DNA Technologies and Expression Analysis Cores at the UC Davis Genome Center, supported by NIH Shared Instrumentation Grant 1S10OD010786-01.” Acknowledgments like this are a big support for future NIH instrumentation grant applications. Thanks in advance! Most of the technologies used in the Core are scientifically complex and expensive. It is expected that detailed conversations will take place as a matter of course between users and facility personnel at the outset and throughout projects. This does not warrant authorship but we love to see ourselves listed gratefully in the Acknowledgements section when your data is published. If extra effort is taken by us along the way, particularly in research where substantial intellectual and technical input is provided, we feel it is appropriate for the researcher to provide authorship to involved facility personnel. This is clearly a gray area in any scientific setting, and because fees are involved it's even grayer. Just remember that the cheerful professionals that help you out also have resumes, come up for performance reviews, and citations are important additions to their CV. We will initiate discussions on this early in a project if we feel it's relevant. So far everyone has been more than accommodating, so thank you all for that!